Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Back to Blogging?

Blogging seems to have fallen by the wayside since the rise in popularity of social networking sites. It's quick and easy to put a status update up and then come back later and see the conversation that ensued about the little news snippet. It's good to be in control of who reads the "wall" and views the photos as well.

It occurred to me, however, that I have missed blogging. I think I knew this in the back of my mind and that is why I never shut this blog down.  A year has passed since I last blogged and I feel ready to return to it.

I asked myself why I want to return to blogging and the main thing I came up with is that blogging helps me stay on track. A sidebar listing of books I've read encourages me to keep reading a variety of material. Setting yearly goals and putting them out there for all the world to see, and then accomplishing them, gives me a shot of encouragement.

My last post was a set of goals for the year.

January-empty, clean out and restock all of my kitchen cabinets. Purchase some decorative items for my kitchen.Clean out and reconfigure decorative shelves in living room.

Paint the upstairs bedroom and make curtains for it. Move Shalom's American Girl collection up there. Move my sewing things up there. Find a tv cabinet for the tv that is being moved up there.

February-decide on a color scheme for our bathroom and paint and find some decorative items for it. Purchase new bedding.

March-decide on a color scheme for the hall bathroom, paint, decorate and purchase new linens.

April-plant the front flower beds and the strip in front of the picket fence. Add some potted plants and hanging baskets to the front porch and make weather proof curtains and matching pillows to dress up the porch. Plant the pots on the back deck and  purchase some decorative lighting for the back deck. Find some small tables and a weatherproof rug for the deck.

May-Get a bed for the upstairs bedroom and make/buy bedding for it.

June-Clean and reorganize the schoolroom and make floor pillows and chair cushions.

July-Clean out and reorganize shelves above washer and dryer.

August-Bedroom swap between Shalom and Justice, paint both rooms and new bedding for Justice.

September-Reframe Boy Scout print and gather Boy Scout paraphernalia for hallway decor. Paint hallway and decorate with scouting theme.

October-Replant flowerbeds and pots with fall/winter flowers

November-Sort Christmas ornaments and make/purchase Christmas ornaments and decorations.

December-Christmas is project enough!

I did not accomplish as much as I'd hoped, but considering that I continued to homeschool my own kids, have been helping another family with their homeschooling, took on a part time job coordinating our YMCA Homeschool Swim and Gym program, and took over leadership of our 4H club, I think this is not too bad.

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