Thursday, September 24, 2009

You can quote me on that!!!

I have enjoyed blogging our search for a new church home. I started this project because I had a blog, an empty blog. I had purged my blog thinking I would start it all over but had not yet decided what my blog should be. Homeschool blog? Mommy blog? Sewing blog? And long term I still don't know what my blog will be or if I will even keep it up.

But for now, I am using to think out loud. To process this life change. And judging by my stat counter, people find this journey interesting. Who knew?

I get quite a few hits from posting updates on my Facebook. But I get just as many direct hits; people who either type my address in our have it bookmarked. Usually just before I post an update on Facebook, I'll find a surge in hits here. When readers know that a post must be coming because it's Sunday afternoon or Thursday morning. And the vast majority of hits are coming from my geographical area.

So. People who know me are reading my blog.

Blogging was less scary when my ramblings were only read by people that I would be unlikely to ever meet.

Anyway, my last post was about Wednesday night at Thrive. Imagine my surprise when I see myself quoted at Thrive's website.

One more note, if you have tried to leave a comment on my blog you may have found it difficult. I have changed the settings, so feel free to comment now!

1 comment:

  1. Kelli, this reminds of that book, "Jim and Casper Go To Church"
