Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My last regular physical was in April of  '09. Everything was normal at that time. On the outside I don't look so good, but as for cholestrol levels, blood pressure, etc, I was okay. In July, after a month of intense stress and worry, I began to have some chest discomfort and I got pretty scared and went to see my doctor about it. My heart checked out fine, but my blood pressue was up; way up. She attributed it to stress but prescribed a beta blocker and instructed me to start a low dose aspirin therapy. Two weeks later the blood pressure was up more. She doubled the meds. Two weeks later it was no higher, but no lower either. She added another medication. Last week it had lowered some, but not enough to be safe. And so we had to make a decision, either scrap the whole thing and try a different drug route, or stay the course and work harder on lifestyle. We agreed that the diet was not really the problem. I eat Cheerios with diced banana for breakfast, edamame for lunch, a protein and veggies for supper. It could be better but it is not awful. The problem is exercise.

And so, today, thanks to a recent (well deserved) job promotion that my husband received, I am going to renew my lapsed YMCA membership. I have until my next doctor's appointment in December to prove to myself that I don't have to have more medications, I can do what is needed to have a positive effect on my health and well being.

photo courtesy of stock xchng


  1. Hey! You know we are Y members also...SO, do you want to start taking a walk on the treadmill or the stairmaster (YUCK. I hate that machine, but, boy howdy, does it work!) during the homeschool classes?


  2. praise God for the promotion! I'll pray about the chest discomfort.
