Saturday, September 26, 2009


I had two online incidents in recent days in which I may have been misunderstood.

Sometimes I am quick to jump on something without checking it out carefully. This happened the other day when a video of kids rapping a song praising Barack Obama was going around the interwebz. Without thinking, I grabbed the video and passed it on. I honestly did not react to the video because it was about Barack Obama, I reacted to it because I get squirmy anytime I see kids praising anyone other than God. I was taken to task for posting the video. The person who did so cited a couple of solid arguments; the video was old and had made the internet rounds some time back and therefore was old news, and the video featured children for whom no releases had been signed. I accepted both of those arguments and, with a good deal of shame over my bad judgment, pulled the video.

But in my scolding there was another hint at something that has bothered me greatly. He made a comment about Republicans. I have wondered since then if he assumed that I posted it because I am a Republican?

Me? A Republican?


I really don't think I am conservative enough to hang out with the Republicans.

My next internet snafoo occurred a couple of days later. During an exchange of how good it is to homeschool, somebody, a total stranger to me, threw down her homeschooling gauntlet by saying that she was glad her children would never watch the video The Story of Stuff. I responded that my homeschooled children HAD watched The Story of Stuff. The poster was kind enough to step up with some conservative websites, including one that led me to a Glenn Beck video dissing Annie Leonard. She said I might enjoy the links.

I didn't, really. I think I've made it clear I am not a conservative.

But it occurred to me that she probably was not sending me those links as one conservative sistah to another.

I think she thinks I am liberal.

A liberal? Me?


I don't think the liberals will let me play in their sandbox. No, I cannot pass their litmus test with my belief that each and every baby deserves the chance to be born and that marriage as a institution between one man and one woman should not be meddled with for any reason.

And so it goes. Occasionally I agree with conservatives. Frequently I agree with moderates. Occasionally I agree with liberals. So I suppose I can probably safely hang out with moderates, but aside from some online friendships, I cannot find out where the moderates congregate.

If you see the moderates out and about, will you tell them I am looking for them? I am tired of feeling misunderstood and lonely.


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